Use of reclaimed asphalt pavement – necessity and innovation
Wojciech Bańkowski and Bridge Research Institute (Poland)
Dariusz Sybilski
Road and Bridge Research Institute (Poland)
Jan Król
Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
Karol Kowalski
Group of Materials and Road Technology; Institute of Roads and Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
Piotr Radziszewski
Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
Piotr Skorek
Budimex S.A. (Poland)
A responsible recycling of asphalt pavements is crucial in terms of economic and ecological measures related to preservation of non-renewable resources of bituminous binders and aggregates. Leading countries in road industry endeavour to maximise reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) application in production of new asphalt mixtures. Unfortunately, RAP re-using in Poland is limited and often results in construction works related to verge tabilization or construction of a subbase in mineral-cement-emulsion (MCE) technology. Application of RAP in asphalt mixture production, if happened, would be restricted to cold RAP addition in a limited amount only. The aforementioned situation is mostly related to lack of contractor’s experience, HMA plants not equipped with the necessary installation, agencies restrictions, tender conditions, problems with RAP homogeneity and others.
This paper presents InnGA research project in which the main goal was to develop the asphalt mixtures with as high as possible RAP content without compromising mixture performance. Project and its dissemination should provide necessary know-how to road authorities, agencies, design offices and contractors.
recycling, asphalt pavement, reclaimed asphalt pavement, asphalt granulateReferences
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Wojciech Bań
Road and Bridge Research Institute Poland
Dariusz SybilskiRoad and Bridge Research Institute Poland
Karol KowalskiGroup of Materials and Road Technology; Institute of Roads and Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology Poland
Piotr RadziszewskiWarsaw University of Technology Poland
Piotr SkorekBudimex S.A. Poland
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