Typology of housing arrangements of Upper Silesia in 1848-2013 years – archetypes and their modernization flexibility
Jerzy Cibis
jerzy.cibis@polsl.plFaculty of housing and the public utility design; Department of Architecture; Silesian University of Technology; (Poland)
In the Polish literature of the subject granted to the residential architecture the most common is the theme of constructed environment, the problem of new trends both in form and design, most often in the context of the sustainable development. More and more frequent are the works on analyzing and describing the sociological perspective of dwelling. Basing on the long-term international and domestic publications and scientific research the spread and often interdisciplinary, complex works and articles concerning the social phenomena in architecture and its surrounding have recently appeared. Despite the huge in amount and the valuable literature as well as the scientific research being led in the last few years the lack of works presenting the complex condition of the residential stock shaped through centuries, in context of usability and needs of the residents, based on the possibilities and real modernisation activities is significant. The time range of the work covers the period from 1848-2013. The broad framework allows the recognition of the vast majority of the existing residential stock and gives the larger spectrum of evaluation in the spotted transformations. Industry initiated the process of the development of the number of contemporary cities.
The work tries to gain the answer for:
● what changes were done to the researched residential stock
● in which period the changes were the most intensive
● in which period the changes were the greatest in the area (both historically and in context of the usability)
Author is also interested in the problem of similarity of the changes to the notes and descriptions of other authors concerning the values of durability and time (so the equipment, the interior divisions, installations, facades and constructions). The present article is used for a projection of these changes on the base of distinctive features of these arrangements and the attempt formulated of characteristic archetype in individual temporary sequences determined in examinations
housing arrangements, Upper Silesia, social building development, interwar period, modernismReferences
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Jerzy Cibisjerzy.cibis@polsl.pl
Faculty of housing and the public utility design; Department of Architecture; Silesian University of Technology; Poland
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