Vulnerability to revitalization processes of large-plate housing estates from the second half of the twentieth century in Wrocław

Robert Masztalski
Faculty of Architecture; Wroclaw University of Science and Technology; (Poland)

Marcin Michalski

Faculty of Architecture; Wroclaw University of Science and Technology; (Poland)


The article presents the problems of transformations of large-plate housing estates from the second half of the twentieth century, in view of the modern needs of their comprehensive renewal. They are subject to gradual degradation, technical consumption, and their spatial development differs from the expectations of residents, especially in the era of changing in the social model. The analytical approach to the problem will allow to show the state of the phenomenon and the predispositions, or their lack, to transformations as part of revitalization activities. The analysis of housing settlement will also allow to determine the potential range of necessary actions in this area.


housing estate, urban transformations, revitalization

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Cited by

Masztalski, R. and Michalski, M. (2018) “Vulnerability to revitalization processes of large-plate housing estates from the second half of the twentieth century in Wrocław”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 17(1), pp. 101–108. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_18_171_13.


Robert Masztalski
Faculty of Architecture; Wroclaw University of Science and Technology; Poland


Marcin Michalski 

Faculty of Architecture; Wroclaw University of Science and Technology; Poland


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