Fire automation in the life cycle of a building – methods of verification, issues with system upgrade
Wojciech Węgrzyński
w.wegrzynski@itb.plFire Research Department; Building Research Institute (ITB) (Poland)
Piotr Antosiewicz
Fire Research Department; Building Research Institute (ITB) (Poland)
Grzegorz Krajewski
Fire Research Department; Building Research Institute (ITB) (Poland)
This article presents the issues with the marketing of construction products that are part of fire automation of a building. The issues in marketing of the newest solutions are localised already within the testing process and the slow process of updating current standards. Also mounting the construction product bring new challenges – authors present a method of hot smoke testing, that allows for a quick and reliable assesment of system cooperation, also in the life of the building.
fire automation, fire safety, EMCReferences
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Wojciech Węgrzyń
Fire Research Department; Building Research Institute (ITB) Poland
Piotr AntosiewiczFire Research Department; Building Research Institute (ITB) Poland
Grzegorz KrajewskiFire Research Department; Building Research Institute (ITB) Poland
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