The failure of the listed building as result of the realization of construction work in the neighbourhood

Tomasz Błaszczyński
Institute of Structural Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Poznan University of Technology (Poland)


In connection with new designed construction of retail-office building in Poznań, and also in connection with the foreseen modernization of the technical underground infrastructure, it should happened the necessity of inventory and the estimation of the technical state of existing neighbouring objects. Also formally with formulated in the decision land development and in accordance with the references contained in earlier expertises, these works should be execute. The inventory and the estimation of the technical state of existing neighbouring objects should be performed in the connection with the influence of new construction in the vicinity on these objects and with counteractions to possible results connected with the realization of designed works in the neighbourhood. Unfortunately the investor did not undertake such works, and realized works brought to the failure state in analysed listed building.


listed building, failure, failure state, construction work

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Cited by

Błaszczyński, T. . (2016) “The failure of the listed building as result of the realization of construction work in the neighbourhood”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 15(2), pp. 079–086. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_16_152_11.


Tomasz Błaszczyński
Institute of Structural Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Poznan University of Technology Poland


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