Regeneration of historic residential blocks in small city centers of Western Ukraine

Мaksym Yasinskyy
Department of Restration of Architectural Works and Monumental Art; Faulty of Architecture; National University "Lviv Polytechnic"; Ukraine (Ukraine)


Department of Restration of Architectural Works and Monumental Art, Faulty of Architecture, National University „Lviv Polytechnic”, Ukraine, e-mail: This article analyzes the integrity, condition, the use and structure of city blocks in the central parts of small towns in Western Ukraine using the example of Rohatyn, Komarno and Pidhaitsi. Factors that negatively affect the preserving city blocks and its residential buildings are identified and the detailed principles of regeneration of historically formed structure of residential city blocks and its parcels are provided.


historic town center, city block, parcel, residential buildings, regeneration

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Cited by

Yasinskyy М. . (2016) “Regeneration of historic residential blocks in small city centers of Western Ukraine”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 15(2), pp. 087–100. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_16_152_12.


Мaksym Yasinskyy
Department of Restration of Architectural Works and Monumental Art; Faulty of Architecture; National University "Lviv Polytechnic"; Ukraine Ukraine


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