Approaches to Teaching Building Materials and Technologies for Energy-Efficient Sustainable Construction

Nataliya Lushnikova
Department of Architecture and Environmental Design; National University of Water and Environmental Engineering; Rivne; Ukraine (Ukraine)


There are highlighted the peculiarities of teaching subjects “Building Materials in Energy-efficient Construction” and “Technologies in Sustainable Construction” developed in English within the scope of Civil Engineering Master Studies curricula „Building ecological Europe”. Basic objectives, teaching methods, content of the lectures and course project, and course results are considered.


building material, energy efficiency, sustainability, construction technology, life-cycle assessment

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Cited by

Lushnikova, N. (2016) “Approaches to Teaching Building Materials and Technologies for Energy-Efficient Sustainable Construction”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 15(3), pp. 053–062. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_16_153_04.


Nataliya Lushnikova
Department of Architecture and Environmental Design; National University of Water and Environmental Engineering; Rivne; Ukraine Ukraine


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