Investigation the changes of permeability coefficient depending on the void ratio in soft soil
Marzena Jaromińska
marzna.jarominska@gmail.comChair of Geotechnics and Road Engineering; Faculty of Geodesy, Geospatial and Civil Engineering; University of Warmia and Mazury (Poland)
This paper presents the results of analyses of the simple linear of regression permeability coefficient and void ratio in organic soils. Eight samples of gyttjas coming from the area of Olsztyn were analyzed. The research methodology was described and the e – log k relationship was tested under five loads variants. The linear regression models built on the basis of statistically significant results explained more than 75% variability log k, as it was found as a result of the performed analysis. The high values of F statistics affirm the significance of the linear model. The results indicate that oedometer test procedure does not include many factors contributing to soil permeability properties. The precise identification of the dependence of the filtration coefficient k on the void ratio e is critical in recognizing the mechanism of relationship between these characteristics.
permeability coefficient, organic soil, linear regressionReferences
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Marzena Jaromiń
Chair of Geotechnics and Road Engineering; Faculty of Geodesy, Geospatial and Civil Engineering; University of Warmia and Mazury Poland
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