Wooden construction in sacral architecture in the past and today

Wojciech Mielnik

Wydział Architektury; Politechnika Gdańska; (Poland)


The wooden sacral architecture has had a great importance for the development of construction and aesthetic values. Rooted in the tradition focuses all the features of human existence as spirituality, culture, technology materialized using the best materials and the knowledge and skills „spirituality covered with wood.” Objects stored in the vernacular build a picture of past times, as well as the shapes identity of the place and the people living in it. They are the determinant and a reference point for creative creations of contemporary architects. Development of wooden structures allows for increasingly bold application. Contemporary examples of temples show a variety of forms using a large variety of types of construction giving unlimited possibilities.


wood, construction, sacral objects, church

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Cited by

Mielnik, W. (2016) “Wooden construction in sacral architecture in the past and today”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 15(4), pp. 023–031. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_16_154_03.


Wojciech Mielnik 
Wydział Architektury; Politechnika Gdańska; Poland


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