Selected issues in compensation entitlement for real estate expropriated for road investments

Anna Trembecka
Faculty of Geo-Data Science, Geodesy, and Environmental Engineering; AGH University of Krakow; (Poland)


One of the important issues in the process of real estate expropriation is defining the group of entities entitled to compensation. This arises from the undetermined legal status of properties, limited rights in rem, claims by banks and bailiffs, and the lack of inheritance proceedings determining the current circle of owners. Another difficulty is the lack of precise legal norms and inconsistent jurisprudence. The aim of the study is to identify the problems related to determining the group of entities entitled to compensation for real estate expropriated by law based on the decision granting permission for the implementation of a road investment. The research thesis is that the legal norms regulating compensation need to be supplemented to streamline and standardise the processes of determining compensation for real estate expropriated for road investments.


compensation, expropriation, road investments

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Cited by

Trembecka, A. (2024) “Selected issues in compensation entitlement for real estate expropriated for road investments”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 23(2), pp. 107–117. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.5339.


Anna Trembecka
Faculty of Geo-Data Science, Geodesy, and Environmental Engineering; AGH University of Krakow; Poland


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