Effects of crumb rubber and styrene-butadiene rubber additives on the properties of asphalt binder and the Marshall performance properties of asphalt mixtures

Diyar Khan

Doctoral School; Silesian University of Technology; (Poland)

Basit Ali

International Education School; Chang’an Universty; (China)

Peilong Li

Highway School; Chang’an University; (China)

Mohd Rosli Mohd Hasan

School of Civil Engineering; Universiti Sains Malaysia; (Malaysia)

Fazli Karim

Department of Civil Engineering; Sarhad University of Science and Technology; (Pakistan)

Noman Khan

Department of Civil Engineering; Sarhad University of Science and Technology; (Pakistan)


The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of incorporating crumb rubber (CR) and styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) additives, ranging from 0% to 5% by weight of bitumen, on the performance of a bituminous concrete mixture using the wet process. Laboratory experiments, including the Marshall test, were conducted to establish the optimum bitumen content (OBC) for the hot mix. The study focuses on determining the optimal proportions of CR and SBR to achieve maximum strength. The results show that increasing the proportions of both CR and SBR leads to significant improvements in strength, with the maximum stability recorded at 16.14 kN and a flow of 1.23 mm for a mix containing 5% CR and 4% SBR. The findings further suggest an inverse relationship between CR content and strength, while an increasing SBR content enhances strength. Consequently, the optimal proportions for incorporating CR and SBR additives are identified as 5% and 4%, respectively.


Crumb rubber, styrene-butadiene rubber, fly ash, hot mix asphalt, Marshall properties

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Cited by

Khan, D. (2023) “Effects of crumb rubber and styrene-butadiene rubber additives on the properties of asphalt binder and the Marshall performance properties of asphalt mixtures”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 22(4), pp. 147–161. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.5499.


Diyar Khan 
Doctoral School; Silesian University of Technology; Poland


Basit Ali 

International Education School; Chang’an Universty; China


Peilong Li 

Highway School; Chang’an University; China


Mohd Rosli Mohd Hasan 

School of Civil Engineering; Universiti Sains Malaysia; Malaysia


Fazli Karim 

Department of Civil Engineering; Sarhad University of Science and Technology; Pakistan


Noman Khan 

Department of Civil Engineering; Sarhad University of Science and Technology; Pakistan


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