Summarising the seismic risk reduction processes in standard residential buildings of Yerevan: why don't we have real results?

Karen Azatyan

Department of Architectural Design and Design of Architectural Environment; Faculty of Architecture; National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA); (Armenia)

Karen Rashidyants

Department of Architectural Design and Design of Architectural Environment; Faculty of Architecture; National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA); (Armenia)

Anush Ohanyan
Department of Architectural Design and Design of Architectural Environment; Faculty of Architecture; National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA); (Armenia)


The article addresses issues of ensuring housing safety. The aim of this work is to summarise the tasks set by the state for seismic risk reduction in Yerevan and to identify their reflection in the process of increasing the seismic resistance of standard residential buildings. The work includes: summarising the seismic risks of the territory of the Republic of Armenia and Yerevan; discussing the current situation of housing development in Yerevan, types of buildings, and possible reconstruction options; analysing the tasks set within the framework of increasing the seismic resistance of residential buildings built during the Soviet era in Yerevan; raising questions about the shortcomings of state policy; and revealing the contradiction between the measures taken in management and the principle of “priority of preparedness over recovery”. It was substantiated that the lack of significant results in the process is due to failures in management, rather than technical, economic, or legal problems. The results can be useful for improving strategies of residential development safety, as well as for fostering a more conscious approach to the problem by the state and society.

Supporting Agencies

Higher Education and Science Committee of RA, in the frames of the research project № 21T‐2A139


standard residential buildings of Yerevan, seismic risk reduction, reconstruction options, housing policy management

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Cited by

Azatyan, K., Rashidyants, K. and Ohanyan, A. (2024) “Summarising the seismic risk reduction processes in standard residential buildings of Yerevan: why don’t we have real results?”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 23(2), pp. 015–036. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.5546.


Karen Azatyan 

Department of Architectural Design and Design of Architectural Environment; Faculty of Architecture; National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA); Armenia


Karen Rashidyants 

Department of Architectural Design and Design of Architectural Environment; Faculty of Architecture; National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA); Armenia


Anush Ohanyan
Department of Architectural Design and Design of Architectural Environment; Faculty of Architecture; National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA); Armenia


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