The wooden rafter framing of Żuławy arcaded houses of type III - research, state of preservation and analysis

Tomasz Zybała
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Gdansk University of Technology; (Poland)


Historic arcaded houses of the delta of the Vistula were the subject of great interest of many researchers, but their work was focused mainly on historical-architectural aspects. There are no publications which would focus on details and comprehensive analyses of construction systems for this group of historic buildings. The article is the result of field research, archival query and calculations made by the author. The paper analyses the rafter framing constructions of the preserved arcaded houses of type III. The author has prepared a list of construction elements of roofs, carpentry joints, rafter inclination angles and described the state of preservation of roof structure. The paper also includes calculations of the average volume construction material of the roof structure per square meter of roof slope plan.

Supporting Agencies

The work was created as a result of a research project no. UMO-2015/17/B/ST8/03260 financed by the National Science Centre


arcaded houses, wooden rafter framing, woodworking joints

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Cited by

Zybała, T. (2019) “The wooden rafter framing of Żuławy arcaded houses of type III - research, state of preservation and analysis”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 18(2), pp. 093–110. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.564.


Tomasz Zybała
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Gdansk University of Technology; Poland


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