Architecture and sounds the interdisciplinary research on the use of audio signals in the cognition and design of architectural space

Agnieszka Kłopotowska
Unit for Urban and Spatial Planning; Department of Residential Architecture; Faculty of Architecture; Bialystok University of Technology; (Poland)


In the contemporary world of image, the basic attribute of architecture is its visuality. Architectural spaces are designed primarily to be viewed by the public or the "eyes" of cameras. The design for the sense of sight only impoverishes the quality of human contact with architecture. The art of shaping space should involve all perception channels. One of the most important senses, allowing to feel the created space, to get to know it and live in it, is hearing. The sonic image of architectural space not only accompanies the visual image, but also significantly defines the quality of existential and aesthetic experiences. The architect's task should be to skilfully use acoustic signals as an integral part of the design process. This belief has inspired a multidisciplinary project entitled: "Sounds of architecture", devoted to the study of the phenomenon of sound and its significance in the perception and use of the architectural environment by people. This project was carried out under the guidance of the author in 2014-2015 with the involvement of representatives of various disciplines of science and art. The result of interdisciplinary research was the monograph "Sounds of Architecture", published in 2016.

Supporting Agencies

The research was carried out as part of research work no. S/WA/1/17 at the Białystok University of Technology and financed from a subsidy provided by the Minister of Science and Higher Education.


multi-sensory design, extra-visual perception, sound space, audiosphere

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Cited by

Kłopotowska, A. (2019) “Architecture and sounds the interdisciplinary research on the use of audio signals in the cognition and design of architectural space”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 18(2), pp. 111–119. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.566.


Agnieszka Kłopotowska
Unit for Urban and Spatial Planning; Department of Residential Architecture; Faculty of Architecture; Bialystok University of Technology; Poland


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