Selection of floor heating by MCDA method

Jacek Karpiesiuk
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Bialystok University of Technology; (Poland)


Using Multiple-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), the most favorable floor heating system of a detached house has been selected. The analysis also includes an assessment of the performance of this type of heating on small surfaces (up to 20m2). The choice was made among eight heating variants, adopting various systems available on the construction market powered by water or electricity, including traditional with "wet" screeds, "dry" screeds and lightweight floor heating systems without Screeds. From the set of 14 evaluation criteria, the eight most important ones were identified. Using the summed corrected indicator of mathematical analysis, it was assessed that the best variant is a lightweight floor water heating system on a reactive adhesive without screeds with aluminum foil.


MCDA, lightweight underfloor heating, set of criteria, radiant floor heating

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Cited by

Karpiesiuk, J. (2020) “Selection of floor heating by MCDA method”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 18(3), pp. 041–050. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.719.


Jacek Karpiesiuk
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Bialystok University of Technology; Poland


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