Liquid plastic films as a solution in terms of tightness problems and roofs aesthetics improvement – review

Barbara Ksit
Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering; Poznan University of Technology; (Poland)

Roman Pilch

Poznan University of the Arts; (Poland)


Liquid plastic films are understood as single- or two- or multi-component polymer or polymer bitumen mixtures. Liquid plastic films must meet the requirements for waterproofing insulation, which means, among others, that they must protect the roof from mechanical damage and have resistance to weather conditions. Suitability for use as waterproofing must be confirmed by an ETA (European Technical Assessment) certificate. The article presents the advantages and disadvantages of waterproofing coatings. The application and division of sealing compounds with a brief description of individual solutions are presented. It was also pointed out that the roof aesthetics would be improved due to the use of renovation solutions in the form of plastic films.

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liquid films, waterproofing masses, sealings

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Cited by

Ksit, B. and Pilch, R. (2020) “Liquid plastic films as a solution in terms of tightness problems and roofs aesthetics improvement – review”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 18(4), pp. 051–058. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.802.


Barbara Ksit
Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering; Poznan University of Technology; Poland


Roman Pilch 

Poznan University of the Arts; Poland


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