Revived degraded monuments of fortification architecture – potential for the historical small towns development

Nellya Leshchenko
Department of Information Technologies in Architecture; Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture; (Ukraine)

Valeriі Tovbych

Department of Information Technologies in Architecture; Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture; (Ukraine)


This article proposes a strategy for the revival of degraded monuments of fortification architecture as a source of the future small historical towns development in general and the improvement of their inhabitants life quality. The recommendations on how to adapt them to cultural and tourist clusters are discussed in detail in the project of Klevan Castle revival.

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revival, degraded monuments of fortification architecture, castle, cultural and tourist cluster

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Cited by

Leshchenko, N. and Tovbych, V. (2020) “Revived degraded monuments of fortification architecture – potential for the historical small towns development”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 19(1), pp. 047–054. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.906.


Nellya Leshchenko
Department of Information Technologies in Architecture; Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture; Ukraine


Valeriі Tovbych 

Department of Information Technologies in Architecture; Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture; Ukraine


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