Modulus of Elasticity of Concretes from Polish and Ukrainian Crushed Aggregates from Igneous Rocks

Waldemar Budzyński

Department of Construction; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Jacek Góra

Department of Construction; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Wojciech Piasta

Department of Concrete Technology and Prefabrication; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Kielce University of Technology (Poland)

Tadeusz Turkiewicz

Institute of Technical Science and Aviation; State School of Higher Education in Chelm (Poland)


Test results concern modulus of elasticity and compressive strength of ordinary concretes made of various coarse aggregates from igneous rocks. Test results of some properties of these aggregates (3 crushed granites, 3 basalts, granodiorite, natural gravel) are also considered. The variable factor of the studies is the type of coarse aggregate. According to the analyses of regression and correlation there occurs a significant effect of the aggregate grinding ratio on the modulus of elasticity of concretes contrary to insignificant effect of the compressive strength. The modulus of elasticity of 4 concretes from Polish and Ukrainian granites and basalt aggregates is lower than respective standard values of the modulus.


concrete, modulus of elasticity, coarse aggregate, granite, basalt, granodiorite

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Cited by

Budzyński, W. (2014) “Modulus of Elasticity of Concretes from Polish and Ukrainian Crushed Aggregates from Igneous Rocks”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 13(2), pp. 065–072. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1879.


Waldemar Budzyński 

Department of Construction; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland


Jacek Góra 

Department of Construction; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland


Wojciech Piasta 

Department of Concrete Technology and Prefabrication; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Kielce University of Technology Poland


Tadeusz Turkiewicz 

Institute of Technical Science and Aviation; State School of Higher Education in Chelm Poland


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