Geotechnical design in the presence of loess cover of the Nałęczów Plateau

Lucjan Gazda

Department of Geotechnical Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Małgorzata Franus

Department of Geotechnical Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


An analysis of the diagnosis and design solutions of road viaduct foundation in the presence of dense loess cover of the Nałęczów Plateau. The analysis was conducted with regard to the provisions and the requirements of Eurocode 7 regulations: Geotechnical design. Studies on selected physical and mechanical characteristics of soil samples taken at the time of the object foundation were performed with the use of index analysis. In the light of the tests, parameters defined very carefully were established, and the leading borderline state resulting from the very term loess and its structural sensitivity was adopted without establishing the parameter of collapse settlement (imp) or/and the value of yield stress (YSR). Design solutions of foundation resulting from the recognition, settled parameters and properties of the substrate were reconsidered to be as very careful and expensive.


loess, collapsing, geotechnical design

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Cited by

Gazda, L. and Franus, M. (2013) “Geotechnical design in the presence of loess cover of the Nałęczów Plateau”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(3), pp. 083–090. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1993.


Lucjan Gazda 

Department of Geotechnical Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland


Małgorzata Franus 

Department of Geotechnical Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland


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