Estimating of bearing capacity of subsoil under shallow foundations related to European Standards

Krzysztof Nepelski

Department of Geotechnical Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


paper presents the calculation method of bearing capacity based on European Standards. The analysis of bearing capacity depends on the strength parameters of soil. Results were presented as a graph "bearing capacity" - "strength parameter". All of the results were compare to Polish Standards. Minimal dimensions of foundation were calculated for every bearing capacity. The design value of an action was calculated on the basis of European and Polish Standards.


design foundation, bearing capacity of subsoil, European Standards, Eurocode, comparison of standards

PN-EN 1997-1 Eurokod 7: Projektowanie geotechniczne. Część 1: Zasady ogólne
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PN-81/B-03020 Grunty budowlane - Posadowienie bezpośrednie budowli - Obliczenia statyczne i projektowanie
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PN-83/B-03010 Ściany oporowe. Obliczenia statyczne i projektowanie.
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Wysokiński L., Kotlicki W., Godlewski T., Projektowanie geotechniczne według Eurokodu 7, Warszawa 2011.
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Cited by

Nepelski, K. (2013) “Estimating of bearing capacity of subsoil under shallow foundations related to European Standards”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(3), pp. 113–120. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1997.


Krzysztof Nepelski 

Department of Geotechnical Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland


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