Model tests in wind tunnel of correct work of chimneys and ventilations draughts for a building in compact development
Andrzej Flaga
Wind Engineering Laboratory of the Cracow University of Technology (Poland)
Grzegorz Bosak
Wind Engineering Laborator; Department of Structural Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Cracow University of Technology (Poland)
Renata Kłaput
Wind Engineering Laboratory; Cracow University of Technology (Poland)
Łukasz Flaga
Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
The paper deals with model investigations on wind pressure distributions on walls and roof of a tenement house in compact development of Cracow centre. The tests were performed in a boundary layer wind tunnel at the Cracow University of Technology for eight wind directions. Two situations were tested: 1. Before realization of a superstructure on the adjacent building; 2. After realization of the superstructure. Investigations results were used for evaluation of correct work of chimneys and ventilations draughts of the building.
model tests, wind tunnel, chimneys and ventilations draughtsReferences
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Google Scholar
PN-EN 15287-2 Kominy – Projektowanie, instalowanie, przekazywanie do eksploatacji. – Część 2: kominy przeznaczone do urządzeń grzewczych z zamkniętą komorą spalania.
Google Scholar
Andrzej FlagaWind Engineering Laboratory of the Cracow University of Technology Poland
Grzegorz BosakWind Engineering Laborator; Department of Structural Mechanics; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Cracow University of Technology Poland
Renata KłaputWind Engineering Laboratory; Cracow University of Technology Poland
Łukasz FlagaDepartment of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland
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