Evolution of the landscape, historical planning and elements of Odessa

Nadiya Yeksareva

Odessa State Academe of Construction & Arhitecture; Ukraine (Ukraine)

Vladimir Yeksarev

Odessa State Academe of Construction & Arhitecture; Ukraine (Ukraine)


Evolution of the landscape, historical planning and elements of Odessa


Evolution of the landscape, historical planning, Odessa

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Cited by

Yeksareva, N. . and Yeksarev, V. . (2008) “Evolution of the landscape, historical planning and elements of Odessa”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 3(2), pp. 119–130. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2326.


Nadiya Yeksareva 

Odessa State Academe of Construction & Arhitecture; Ukraine Ukraine


Vladimir Yeksarev 

Odessa State Academe of Construction & Arhitecture; Ukraine Ukraine


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