Acoustic analysis of selected sacred buildings in Szczecin

Agata Stolarska
Department of Building Physics and Building Materials; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; West Pomeranian University of Technology; (Poland)

Jarosław Strzałkowski

Department of Building Physics and Building Materials; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; West Pomeranian University of Technology; (Poland)

Agata Kandybowicz

Department of Building Physics and Building Materials; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; West Pomeranian University of Technology; (Poland)


The aim of this study was to assess acoustically selected sacred buildings located in Szczecin. The research part contains the research methodology and the results obtained. The research was carried out using two methods. The first one is the integrated impulse response method, where, using a bursting balloon, the time of sound pressure drop was measured at selected points of the object. In the interrupted noise method, the sound pressure drop was measured after the noise generated by the omnidirectional loudspeaker had ceased. Reverberation time was calculated for the results obtained, which is the main and basic parameter determining the interior acoustics. On the basis of the above-mentioned measurements, the reverberation indicators for the temples were also calculated. When analyzing the components of the reverberation indicator, it was noticed that poor acoustics in the sanctuary concerns speech, while interior acoustics is good for the reception of organ music. In the analyzed church, the reception of liturgical music is also better than the reception of speech, but the differences between these values are small.


acoustics, sacred buildings, reverberation time, sound pressure

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Cited by

Stolarska, A., Strzałkowski, J. and Kandybowicz, A. (2021) “Acoustic analysis of selected sacred buildings in Szczecin ”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 20(4), pp. 017–036. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2720.


Agata Stolarska
Department of Building Physics and Building Materials; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; West Pomeranian University of Technology; Poland


Jarosław Strzałkowski 

Department of Building Physics and Building Materials; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; West Pomeranian University of Technology; Poland


Agata Kandybowicz 

Department of Building Physics and Building Materials; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; West Pomeranian University of Technology; Poland


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