Bierun’s genius loci (spirit of the place) – a special case of a city junction

Grażyna Lasek
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning; Faculty of Architecture; University of Applied Sciences in Nysa; (Poland)


The publication presents analysis of the knots and focal points (knots) of the city Bieruń. They are: mound, Town Square with St. Bartolomeus church, St. Valentine's church and St. Valentine’s Square. This is where we can find the roots of identity of society living in a small town and its surroundings. Historically, Bierun is located in Upper Silesia and Pszczyna region. Bierun was given municipal rights in 1387. The settlement started developing because of environmental conditions and economical conditions. The history of existing from the beginning of 16th until the beginning of 19th century, the Great Pond of Bierun, rivers, streams and small ponds is connected with residues of monumental dike as well as the legends of the Drowners – Bierun’s creatures. The presence of mentioned legends among previous and modern citizens of Bierun is the basis of a process creating country awareness in town’s area. Some of those elements are incorporated in city’s well – designed and made in the beginning of 21st century in the town’s market where historical well was located. This means that legends passed on from generation to generation became part of the most important area of the town. The well became an important indicator of historical and cultural information. Besides being just a simple decorative element, it is a  materialization of an idea based on living society. The Silesian Insurgents' Monument placed in the middle of town’s market is even greater example of living society, as in this area it is a true example of society’s memory of their killed fathers. The second, perhaps even more important level of cultural identity is local deep faith and cult of St. Valentine. It is a famous place of many miraculous recoveries as well as fiancés blessing. Recognizing St. Valentine as a patron saint of the town and the church as a sanctuary in 2015 was a proof of existing religious belief. In the vicinity of the church, authorities created St.   Valentine’s square with his sculpture being an extension of the place of cult and a sign of patron saint presence in the town’s area. All they might be an example of an idea transfer, that creates town’s identity. In 2016 Bierun’s authorities undertook a decision of creating a set of cultural parks. They were named: “Cultural park for Old Town area” and “Cultural park for dike area”.


Bierun, knots and focal points (knots), mound, Town Square, church. St. Valentine's Day and Square St. Valentine

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Cited by

Lasek, G. (2018) “Bierun’s genius loci (spirit of the place) – a special case of a city junction”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 17(3), pp. 005–014. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_18_173_01.


Grażyna Lasek
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning; Faculty of Architecture; University of Applied Sciences in Nysa; Poland


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