The use of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the purposes of preparing technical documentation in BIM technology
Łukasz Uchański
Czerski Trade Polska Sp. z o.o.; Al. Niepodległości 219, 02-087; Warszawa; (Poland)
Krzysztof Karsznia
Krzysztof_Karsznia@sggw.plDepartment of Civil Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW; (Poland)
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is becoming an increasingly popular solution used both for investment and for reverse engineering aimed at restoring of the original documentation of existing facilities. The reconstruction of an object including its full design properties in an interactive 3D environment makes it possible to carry out structural (including SMH – structural health monitoring) and strength analyses, as well as to provide the effi cient facility management (setting out essential parameters and conducting necessary repairs). This paper aims to assess the laser scanning performed by using an advanced pulse data-capturing device for the development of complex BIM documentation in the Water Centre Laboratory of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Obtained point clouds have been used to build the model for the needs of reverse engineering. Moreover, the authors evaluated the possibility of using a particular type of laser scanner to develop and update complex BIM documentation in the process of facility management.
Terrestrial Laser Scanning, BIM, inventory works, Laser Scanning, point cloud, 3D modelReferences
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Łukasz UchańskiCzerski Trade Polska Sp. z o.o.; Al. Niepodległości 219, 02-087; Warszawa; Poland
Department of Civil Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW; Poland
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