Investigation into the effect of waste engine oil and vegetable oil recycling agents on the performance of laboratory-aged bitumen

Basit Ali
International Education School; Chang’an University; (China)

Peilong Li

School of Highway; Chang’an University; (China)

Diyar Khan

Doctoral School; Silesian University of Technology; (Poland)

Mohd Rosli Mohd Hasan

School of Civil Engineering; University Sains Malaysia (Engineering Campus); (Malaysia)

Waseem Akhtar Khan

Graduate Research Assistant; Department of Civil Engineering; University of Louisiana at Lafayette; (United States)


The pavement recycling method is one of the practical ways to integrate sustainable development into transportation infrastructure, and it has been adopted worldwide. The use of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) in new asphalt highways is limited due to the ageing effects caused by UV damage and weathering on the asphalt binder. To address this issue, waste vegetable oil (WVO) and waste engine oil (WEO) have been proposed as potential rejuvenating agents to enhance the recyclability of pavements containing RAP. This study evaluated the effectiveness of WEO and WVO as chemical rejuvenating agents through various tests on both aged and virgin asphalt binders. The tests included measurements of ductility, fire, and flash points, softening points, and penetration. The results indicate that the addition of WEO and WVO can improve the low-temperature properties of asphalt binders when mixed with RAP, resulting in reduced stiffness. The mixture containing WEO and WVO exhibited improved stability compared to the control, suggesting enhanced flow with increasing waste oil content in comparison to aged binder, albeit with slightly reduced flow compared to the virgin binder. This study demonstrates the potential of WEO and WVO as recycling agents to enhance the performance of bituminous mixes incorporating RAP.


recycling, reclaimed asphalt pavement, waste vegetable oil, waste engine oil, rejuvenating agents, asphalt binder, low-temperature properties

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Cited by

Ali, B. (2024) “Investigation into the effect of waste engine oil and vegetable oil recycling agents on the performance of laboratory-aged bitumen”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 23(1), pp. 033–054. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.5500.


Basit Ali
International Education School; Chang’an University; China


Peilong Li 

School of Highway; Chang’an University; China


Diyar Khan 

Doctoral School; Silesian University of Technology; Poland


Mohd Rosli Mohd Hasan 

School of Civil Engineering; University Sains Malaysia (Engineering Campus); Malaysia


Waseem Akhtar Khan 

Graduate Research Assistant; Department of Civil Engineering; University of Louisiana at Lafayette; United States


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