A house on a narrow plot – the possibility of shaping the functional concept and the form in the light of design constraints. Case study

Andrzej Tokajuk

Faculty of Architecture, Bialystok University of Technology (Poland)

Joanna Godlewska

Studentka, Wydział Architektury, Politechnika Białostocka (Poland)


The article presents research analyzes concerning the problems of shaping the function and form of a single-family building located on a narrow plot. This is an important design problem due to the fact that narrow lots are quite common in urbanized areas. The analyzes have shown that the functional solution and the form in this case are to a large extent the result of design restrictions operating on the basis of various provisions of the construction law, e.g. regarding the required distances from the plot borders, adequate lighting of rooms or minimum widths of rooms resulting from ergonomics. The authors used research methods such as: case study and design study (research by design). As a result of the analyses, an architectural concept of a house with an original form and functional and spatial plan was created.

Supporting Agencies

The research was carried out as part of work No. WZ/WA – IA/4/2023 at the Bialystok University of Technology and financed from a research subsidy provided by the Minister of Education and Science.


one-family house, architecture, form, function, narrow plot

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Cited by

Tokajuk, A., & Godlewska, J. (2023). A house on a narrow plot – the possibility of shaping the functional concept and the form in the light of design constraints. Case study. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 19(1), 122–132. https://doi.org/10.35784/teka.3838


Andrzej Tokajuk 
Faculty of Architecture, Bialystok University of Technology Poland

Andrzej Tokajuk – architect, doctor of technical sciences, works at the Faculty of Architecture at Bialystok University of Technology. He is the author and co-author of several dozen scientific publications indexed, among others in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, participant of international scientific EU programmes. He deals with issues of designing housing architecture, urban planning of housing complexes, living standards, revitalization and development of urban structures and theory of architecture.


Joanna Godlewska 

Studentka, Wydział Architektury, Politechnika Białostocka Poland


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