For survival of heritage. Multicultural temples of south-eastern Poland – history written in wood
Jan Wrana
j.wrana@pollub.plIndependent Architectural Lab; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Agnieszka Fitta-Spelina
PhD Studies; Faculty of Architecture; Cracow University of Technology (Poland)
South-eastern Poland - the Border region -for centuries was a place of coexistence of cultures, languages and religions. The symbol of multiculturalism and the remains of the temples are among others many faiths – Catholic churches, Orthodox churches, Protestant churches and Jewish synagogues, a large percentage built of wood - especially in rural areas. Once the pride and glory of his followers, now - due to changes in religious structure of the region, often as a result of tragic events - most likely to change destiny or fall into ruin and deteriorate. Their protection and maintenance is necessary not only because of its architectural value, but above all in order to preserve the memory of those who have already passed away.
In this article, authors look at the current situation of wooden temples of eastern Polish region (both Orthodox and Catholic and Greek Catholic), in some cases more accurately by analyzing their past and considering opportunities for the future. Authors also speak about contemporary ways of their protection in terms of formal and legal, and the ability to preserve - through revitalization, adaptation and change functions.
orthodox churches, Borderland, protection of monuments, multiculturalism, revitalizationReferences
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Independent Architectural Lab; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland
Agnieszka Fitta-SpelinaPhD Studies; Faculty of Architecture; Cracow University of Technology Poland
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