Design at the root of biophilia. Imitation. Nature.
Marcin Marciniak
mmarciniak@uni.opole.plOpole University (Poland)
Dżoana Latała-Matysiak
Institute ofDepartment of Geography and Landscape Design; Faculty of Economics; Opole University (Poland)
According to the current state of research on the phenomenon of biophilia, the positive influence of nature's elements on humans has long been widely understood. Since the negative impact of urbanised areas on quality of life was noticed, human-friendly architecture has been redefined, where the physical and mental well-being of people using buildings, remains highly dependent on their contact with the environment. Selected examples of existing buildings analyzed two different approaches to contemporary biophilic architecture; one where nature is the pedestal of the whole building and one where the interpretation of nature translates into technological, engineering or structural solutions. The architectural examples modelled on nature, have gained recognition in local communities and worldwide renown, so it can be concluded that the flourishing of organic and bionic architecture is fully justified. Biophilia determines human well-being, while remaining closely related to the natural environment.
organic architecture, contemporary architecture, landscape architecture, biophilia, natureReferences
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Opole University Poland
A graduate of the School of Fine Art of the Opole University, diploma in the sculpture studio of prof. Marian Molenda, 2017. A graduate of the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences - landscape architect, 2012.
major art prize:
- 1st prize in the sculpture category. ContemporaneaMENTI III. Concorso di arti contemporanee under 35. “Still life”. Fondazione l’Arsenale, Iseo, Italy. 2019
- Finalist, international art competition NanoArt. “Unstable molecule” Galerie Roi Doré, Paris, France. 2019
- Finalist, nationwide review young art ‘Świeża Krew VIII’ Final exhibition - Socato Gallery, Wrocław.
Dżoana Latała-MatysiakInstitute ofDepartment of Geography and Landscape Design; Faculty of Economics; Opole University Poland
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