Architecture of spas in Krynica Zdroj

Paulina Filas-Zając

Faculty of Architecture; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)


Research on the spatial shape of spas lies in the field of interest of architects, urban planners and geographers. The research shows a link between the role of spas and the process of economic development of the region and the town, mainly in the field of tourism.

Spa town is based on the assumption that various human health needs are supported there. For example spa provides conditions to restore physical and mental health after accidents and hospital treatment, it maintains the present state of health in chronic diseases, provides prophylactic examinations to enhance immunity and should prevent diseases of civilization or mitigate the effects of such diseases.

Spas also aim at promoting and spreading education not only related to health. The spatial shape of a spa derives from its function and is the result of a centuries long forming of these systems. They are located in places, which are richly supplied with natural healing factors such as: natural resources, and environmental factors such as: the natural environment, climate, forestation, sea, landscape, cultural environment of the region and the spa town, spatial layout and architectural forms.

In addition to the essential function they perform, they are also very interesting architectural and urban designs, which have been discussed through the example of Krynica Zdroj town.


architecture of spas, health resorts, modern architecture, cultural heritage protection

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Cited by

Filas-Zając, P. (2015) “Architecture of spas in Krynica Zdroj”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 14(1), pp. 033–042. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1665.


Paulina Filas-Zając 

Faculty of Architecture; Warsaw University of Technology Poland


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