Safety assessment of pedestrian crossing solutions

Piotr Olszewski

Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

Witold Czajewski

Faculty of Electrical Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

Paweł Dąbkowski

Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

Piotr Szagała

Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)


Paper presents preliminary findings from the research project Mobis which is aimed at developing a method of assessing safety of pedestrian road crossings by using video image analysis. Pedestrian and vehicle traffic has been recorded at a selected crossing site in Warsaw for 2 months, before and after installation of safety measures which included active signage and speed humps. Speeds of approaching vehicles were measured and vehicle-pedestrian conflict situations identified by using video analysis. Results indicate that both SignFlash active signage and speed humps reduce mean vehicle speed and have a positive impact on drivers’ behaviour.


Pedestrian safety, pedestrian crossing, image analysis, conflict technique

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Cited by

Olszewski, P. (2014) “Safety assessment of pedestrian crossing solutions”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 13(4), pp. 177–184. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1758.


Piotr Olszewski 

Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology Poland


Witold Czajewski 

Faculty of Electrical Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology Poland


Paweł Dąbkowski 

Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology Poland


Piotr Szagała 

Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology Poland


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