Influence of technology temperature on the fatigue cracking resistance of asphalt mixtures used for bridge pavement

Piotr Radziszewski

Group of Materials and Road Technology; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

Andrzej Plewa

Division of Road Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Białystok University of Technology (Poland)

Karol Kowalski

Group of Materials and Road Technology; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

Jan Król

Group of Materials and Road Technology; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

Michał Sarnowski

Group of Materials and Road Technology; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

Piotr Pokorski

Group of Materials and Road Technology; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)


Bridges are an integral part of road infrastructure. In times of the roadnetwork expansion in Poland a lot of bridges were constructed. Due to the nature of work, a bridge structure should comply with specific features and requirements. This article presents the results of the fatigue life of selected asphalt mixtures used in bridge structures. Mixtures for various pavement layers were investigated. The effect of high temperature on stiffness modulus and fatigue cracking resistance with different levels of strain were analyzed. These relationships were presented in the regression equations form. The crucial influence of increased technology temperature on asphalt mix fatigue life was proved.


asphalt mixture, fatigue cracking, bridge pavement, technology temperature

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Cited by

Radziszewski, P. (2014) “Influence of technology temperature on the fatigue cracking resistance of asphalt mixtures used for bridge pavement”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 13(4), pp. 225–235. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1851.


Piotr Radziszewski 

Group of Materials and Road Technology; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology Poland


Andrzej Plewa 

Division of Road Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Białystok University of Technology Poland


Karol Kowalski 

Group of Materials and Road Technology; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology Poland


Jan Król 

Group of Materials and Road Technology; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology Poland


Michał Sarnowski 

Group of Materials and Road Technology; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology Poland


Piotr Pokorski 

Group of Materials and Road Technology; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Warsaw University of Technology Poland


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