Analysis of skid resistance of road pavements in the initial period of its life
Marta Wasilewska
Division of Road Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Bialystok University of Technology (Poland)
Changes of microtexture and macrotexture significantly influence skid resistance of road pavements. It takes place especially during the initial period of pavement life. Binder on the coarse aggregate is removed and then surface of grain is polished by traffic. The intensity of changes of a skid resistance coefficient depends on the type of wearing course, traffic load and sites (straight, intersection, curved segments). In this paper, skid resistance of different pavements surface based on BPN (British Pendulum Number) and MTD ( Mean Texture Depth) is compared. The study was conducted on test sections of asphalt concrete and SMA pavements during the reconstruction of the national road No. 8 km 614 +850 - 639 +365 for three months from putting into traffic.
skid resistance, macrotexture, microtexture, wearing courseReferences
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Marta WasilewskaDivision of Road Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Bialystok University of Technology Poland
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