Multiple shooting method in stability analysis of non-prismatic multi-segment columns

Ryszard Hołubowski

Institute of Civil Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Wrocław University of Technology (Poland)

Andrzej Merena

AQ7 Design Office (Poland)


The application of multiple shooting method in stability analysis of non-prismatic multi-segment columns with pinned ends loaded with a concentrated force applied to the upper node has been presented. Numerical analyses were carried out for an exemplary three-segment column by solving the system of differential equations with variable coefficients and parameter. The results were compared with the solution obtained by using SOFiSTiK software based on the finite element method. The analyses show that considering the stiffness changes along the length can have a significant influence on the values of critical loads and thus change the resistance of the column. The advantage of the proposed method is its high efficiency and easy description of stiffness changes.


stability analysis, non-prismatic multi-segment columns, shooting method

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Cited by

Hołubowski, R. and Merena, A. (2013) “Multiple shooting method in stability analysis of non-prismatic multi-segment columns”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(4), pp. 225–232. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1977.


Ryszard Hołubowski 

Institute of Civil Engineering; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Wrocław University of Technology Poland


Andrzej Merena 

AQ7 Design Office Poland


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