Assessment of the early-age strains and stresses in 2D restrained self-stressed members

Viktar V. Tur
Department of Concrete Technology and Building Materials; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Brest State Technical University; Moskovskaya Street 267, 224017 Brest, Belarus (Belarus)

Volha H. Sannikava

Department of Geotechnics and Transport Communications; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Brest State Technical University; Moskovskaya Street 267, 224017 Brest, Belarus (Belarus)


The paper presents the implementation of the modified strains development model (MSDM) for the two-way restrained self-stressed members such as expansive concrete-filled steel tubes and expansive concrete plane elements with arbitrary orthogonal reinforcement. The analytical approach allows defining the restrained strains and stresses in any 2D restraint conditions by following the iterative procedures and accounting for the elastic-plastic behaviour of expansive concrete at an early age. The consistency of the proposed method was confirmed by assessing the experimental results of the two series of the expansive concrete-filled steel tubes and three series of the expansive concrete plane members with mesh reinforcement in the centre of gravity.


expansive concrete, strains, stresses, restraint conditions, analytical model

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Cited by

Tur, V. V. and Sannikava, V. H. (2020) “Assessment of the early-age strains and stresses in 2D restrained self-stressed members”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 19(4), pp. 081–088. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2131.


Viktar V. Tur
Department of Concrete Technology and Building Materials; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Brest State Technical University; Moskovskaya Street 267, 224017 Brest, Belarus Belarus


Volha H. Sannikava 

Department of Geotechnics and Transport Communications; Faculty of Civil Engineering; Brest State Technical University; Moskovskaya Street 267, 224017 Brest, Belarus Belarus


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