Labor demand as a key factor in building process planning
Roman Marcinkowski
Building Institute; Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
Man or machine hours needed by various resources to complete construction works are the basis for work estimation and scheduling. In particular, they enable the planner to estimate labor costs or time needed to complete the task, review the resource of workload and availability of resources assigned to particular task, check the possibility of sharing resources across various tasks and determine other rates and factors useful in works scheduling. The project schedule can be analyzed both without or with and in consideration of risk of the end date of the project being pushed out or going over budget on the project. Issues presented above are the subject of this paper. The methods of solving described problems consider the optimization of a loss that derives from partial utilization of assigned the resources.
building process planning, total labor demand, labor productivity, time of building task performanceReferences
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Roman MarcinkowskiBuilding Institute; Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry; Warsaw University of Technology Poland
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