Specificity of general zones in large modern European multispeciality hospitals – selected case studies
Rafał Strojny
r.strojny@pollub.plDepartment of Architecture and Urban Planning; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; (Poland)
The present paper shows the results of research on general zones in large European multispeciality hospitals. A dozen or so institutions, flagship examples of large contemporary hospitals, were selected for the study. The research focused on internal zones, in particular the reception area linked to the main communication system of the hospital, which functions as a public space offering a range of services and provides space for communication, waiting and meetings. This work aims to determine design trends in the location and forms of general zones, their characteristics and proportion to other zones in hospitals, architectural features and functional-spatial solutions. The relationships between the shape of the hospital, its internal general zones, and their percentage share in the total building area were examined. Art and greenery in these zones were also investigated, along with the presence of natural lighting, the colours, and the type of finishing materials used in this type of space today. The study revealed noticeable differences between the form of general zones in large contemporary as well as 20th-century hospitals. In addition to their form, the arrangement of zones has also changed, and they often do not resemble a hospital space. Art and greenery play an increasingly important role. The general zone is a hospital’s essential communication hub, constituting the main public space where people may meet.
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general areas in a large hospital, multispeciality hospital, health care architectureReferences
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Rafał Strojnyr.strojny@pollub.pl
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; Poland
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