Urban wasteland arrangement as an polyspeces area – effects of implementation – the analysis
Justyna Kleszcz
j.kleszcz@aiu.uz.zgora.plDepartment of Architecture and Urban Planning; Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering; University of Zielona Gora; (Poland)
Urban wasteland areas are being formed in two ways. They can be a part of extensively used areas basing on different etymology or, what is more important, a form of artefacts remaining after extinct function. This nascent land, between space of different use, represents the quality or mediocrity of the bordering lines between things planned in the city and those areas left and developing beside without specified plan. Additionally, lack of wasteland’s arrangement causes functional, compositional and aesthetical division. With this reason the main purpose of the research is to analyze potential locations of land, which could, in the future, be used to make urban space left without any formal management more coherent and its temporary adaptation for recreational, integrative or educational purposes to be used by inhabitants – both human and animal. Moreover the implementation of idea of polyspecies areas as a form of actual solution, a method of transforming problematic urban areas, will have an influence on changing the way of city functioning as a living body, ecosystem and urban structure. This way of forming space cumulates positive features of urban transformations – building quality of green recreation areas, sports grounds, the increase of safety, recreating urban flora and fauna and much more.
polyspecies area, urbanism, animal architecture, town planning, urban green areasReferences
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Justyna Kleszczj.kleszcz@aiu.uz.zgora.pl
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning; Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering; University of Zielona Gora; Poland
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