Integrated Transportation Centre as integration space and element „stitching” city structure
Grażyna Dąbrowska-Milewska of Architecture; Bialystok University of Technology; (Poland)
Bartosz Czarnecki
Faculty of Architecture; Bialystok University of Technology; (Poland)
Transportation centers, often located at strategic places of developing cities, surrounded by motorways and parking lots, often shows diffi culties in integration with surroundings. Parallel, according to valuable location, they may serve not only for passengers. Their transportation and facility infrastructure, especially that located at pathways integrating both sides of cities, should serve also for other customers. Transportation centers, as mobility and other activity nodes has a great potential to generate synergic results. They may to support neighbor areas development and attractiveness increasing. During the creation of integrated transportation center at the stage of a basic assumption, it is need to include areas of the zone of infl uence, especially those planned for transformations. Based on 3 cases of projects awarded at the urban-architecture Competition for the idea of the Integrated Transportation Centre with surrounding area in Bialystok, a synergic infl uence of urban project for surroundings and synergic infl uence of urban project for urban fabric has been introduced.
integrated transportation center, urban design, urban project, BialystokReferences
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Grażyna Dą
Faculty of Architecture; Bialystok University of Technology; Poland
Bartosz CzarneckiFaculty of Architecture; Bialystok University of Technology; Poland
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