Synergy of structure and aesthetics of small bridges in Parczew

Sławomir Karaś
Department of Roads and Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; (Poland)

Karolina Jankowska

Budimex S.A.; (Poland)


Due to their durability, bridges become landscape reference points in various aspects, especially from the social, architectural and aesthetic points of view. There are many examples supporting the above, e.g. Tower Bridge, Puente del Alamillo, Pont Saint-Bénézet (d’Avignon), Karlův Bridge or Ponte Sant’Angelo. Nevertheless, the analyses conducted in this paper regard bridges much less renowned than the aforementioned ones, namely, the small bridges upon Konotopa and Piwonia rivers in the town of Parczew in Lubelszczyzna. The local community have deemed it necessary to change the ordinariness into an arrangement close to synergy which can be achieved through tending the bridges, enhancing their aesthetical value through displaying their mechanics, emphasising fundamental lines by means of strong or delicate colours, as well as through references to the environment of the bridges by harmonising them with it or, on the contrary, turning them into a local dominant. Plenty has been done so far as the progress in bridge design where the aesthetic aspect is into consideration is constant, which also results from a better understanding of sustainable development. The paper describes all the bridges in Parczew and its vicinity with regard to the residents’ awareness of them. It discusses both road and railway bridges and contains their short service characteristics, history and subjective aesthetic assessment. The aforementioned concept was applied in the design of a small footbridge in three variants, where, apart from the questions of durability and functionality, the fundamental task was to use simple and visually attractive solutions – whatever it may mean.


bridges, small cities, aesthetics, sustainable development

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Cited by

Karaś, S. and Jankowska, K. (2018) “Synergy of structure and aesthetics of small bridges in Parczew”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 17(2), pp. 159–170. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_18_172_13.


Sławomir Karaś
Department of Roads and Bridges; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; Poland


Karolina Jankowska 

Budimex S.A.; Poland


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