Windmills in Łęczyca district – conservation initiatives from 2006-2017

Filip Tomaszewski

Lodz University of Technology; (Poland)

Bartosz Walczak
Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning; Lodz University of Technology; (Poland)


Old mills are an essential part of cultural landscape of the area near Łęczyca. The article below presents the initiatives to save and preserve these amazing monuments of wooden architecture. The bad condition of many of them determined (and still determines) wide and differential range of the renovation measures which have been undertaken. They included building a commercial object ,,Zagroda Młynarska” in Uniejów, formation of the open air museum ,,Łęczycka Zagroda Chłopska” in Kwiatówek conducted by Archeological and Etnographic Museum in Łódź and conservation repairs of mills in Solca Wielka and Rdutów Nowy. The relocation of historic windmills creates opportunities to restore them to technical efficiency (it is connected with replacing a significant percentage of their original substance). The article discusses the authenticity which has been achieved in the process of preserving the objects, the range of interference in their original structure, the role of mills in shaping the cultural landscape, but also issues connected with mills’ technical equipment and troubles in keeping them still working in good technical condition.


mill, windmill, renovation, preservation

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Cited by

Tomaszewski, F. and Walczak, B. . (2018) “Windmills in Łęczyca district – conservation initiatives from 2006-2017”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 17(1), pp. 055–061. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_18_171_07.


Filip Tomaszewski 

Lodz University of Technology; Poland


Bartosz Walczak
Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning; Lodz University of Technology; Poland


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