Protecting of spatial and cultural value of Downtown Lublin, by maintenance of modernist edifice of the Universal Department Store in Lublin

Karol Krupa
Independent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; (Poland)

Maciej Trochonowicz

Department of Conservation of Built Heritage; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; (Poland)


Article raises the issue of protection of spatial and cultural values of Lublin’s downtown. Analysis of composition and function of existing building, including modernistic edifice of Powszechny Dom Towarowy is leading to discussion about necessity of intervention in urban fabric. The added value, effect of synergy, is emerging in effects obtained by preserving existing building development, granting it new functional value respecting and bringing out mutual relation between initial function, aesthetic and spatial composition. During the design of PDT in 1959 Tadeusz Witkowski had to face the problem of locating large district area in exact city center of Lublin. Architect’s sense of structure composition, understanding of space and bearing scale of existing building contributed to highlight valuable view and composition axis. In 2010 investment company, owner of Powszechny Dom Towarowy building, introduced a plan of demolition existing modernistic edifice and developing new, modern shopping mall. Discussion about future of Witkowski’s legacy has divided Lublin’s architects community. One form of the objection was workshops, which took place with cooperation of “Modernism in Lublin” (mgr inż arch. Marcin Semeniuk’s initiative) and student’s scientific organization of Modern Architecture from University of Technology in Lublin in 2015. Young architects and students worked out idea of adaptation of Powszechny Dom Towarowy building considering enchantment of mercantile function and implementation of new, oriented toward needs and progress of Lublin’s citizens. Ideabased on Tadeusz Witkowski’s project, which was expanded according to guidelines of Local Area Plan. Author of this article considerates the problem of protection edifice of Powszechny Dom Towarowy in Lublin and participation of social initiative as an effect of synergy.


post-war modernism, Powszechny Dom Towarowy in Lublin, Tadeusz Witkowski, synergy in architecture

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Cited by

Krupa, K. . and Trochonowicz, M. . (2016) “Protecting of spatial and cultural value of Downtown Lublin, by maintenance of modernist edifice of the Universal Department Store in Lublin”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 15(4), pp. 173–181. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_16_154_17.


Karol Krupa
Independent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; Poland


Maciej Trochonowicz 

Department of Conservation of Built Heritage; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; Poland


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