Possibility of refreshing binders in old asphalt pavements

Paweł Mieczkowski

Department of Road, Bridges and Construction Materials; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin (Poland)


Asphalt pavements in Poland need renovation. One of the main reasons for their destruction (cracks, losses of grains, chippings) is too small amount of bitumen and its hardness, which is the result of aging. In this case, repairs can be performed in hot recycling technology in place. However, this requires changes in the way of heating the pavement and the use of special refreshing additives. The studies indicate that for this purpose you can use various means, both derivatives of petroleum (mineral oil, oil-resin product) and produced from renewable sources (vegetable oils). However, they require the use of additional preparations to help them connect with old bitumen and increase the compatibility of mixtures. The study of base bitumen and asphalt mixtures suggests that such a role may meet improving adhesion additives, wherein the efficiency of the process should be improved, especially in the case of vegetable and mineral oils.


hot recycling in-place, asphalt, bitumen, refreshing additives

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Cited by

Mieczkowski, P. (2014) “Possibility of refreshing binders in old asphalt pavements”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 13(4), pp. 169–176. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.1757.


Paweł Mieczkowski 

Department of Road, Bridges and Construction Materials; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin Poland


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