The evaluation of uncertainty in the resistance models of reinforced concrete members

Szczepan Woliński

Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Rzeszów University of Technology (Poland)


The paper presents the analysis and evaluation methods of uncertainty in the resistance models of reinforced concrete members. The first method is based on a standardized procedure for the calibration of resistance models given in the Eurocode. The second method is an original proposal for the evaluation of uncertainty in the resistance models using the available test data on resistance variation. According to the concept of semi-probabilistic partial factors design, the partial factor resulting from model uncertainty,  separated from the factor of resistance, represents a measure of model uncertainty. The approach to model uncertainty evaluation is demonstrated with the use two different sample models for shear capacity assessment of reinforced concrete beams.


resistance of RC elements, parameter uncertainty, model uncertainty, partial factors, model uncertainty assessment

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Cited by

Woliński, S. (2013) “The evaluation of uncertainty in the resistance models of reinforced concrete members”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 12(1), pp. 203–210. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2199.


Szczepan Woliński 

Department of Building Structures; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Rzeszów University of Technology Poland


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