Nativity of the Virgin Mary Kozelshchynskyi Monastery in the Poltava Region: an assessment of architectural heritage and contemporary challenges

Halyna Osychenko
Department of Architecture of Buildings and Constructions; Educational-Scientific Institute of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts; O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv; (Ukraine)

Oleksandr Anatoliyovych Khliupin

Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning; Faculty of Ground Structures and Airfields; National Aviation University;1 Lyubomyra Gudara St., 03058 Kyiv (Ukraine)


The challenge of preserving the architectural heritage of small towns in Ukraine is compounded by the lack of sufficient historical and architectural research, as well as numerous alterations to buildings during their use. This article presents the results of historical and architectural research on the architectural heritage of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Kozelshchyna Monastery in the Poltava Region. It explores the historical stages of the monastery's formation and development and evaluates its historical and cultural significance. A virtual reconstruction of the monastery's original appearance was undertaken, and the historical boundaries of the monastery were established. The analysis of the current state enabled the identification of issues related to the monastery's functioning and the preservation of its cultural heritage. This research provides a scientific foundation for developing protection zones for the monastery and for restoration and adaptation projects of its buildings. It also establishes an information base for future project work and the monitoring of architectural heritage.


historical and cultural heritage preservation and protection, small towns, historical and architectural research, virtual reconstruction, monastery

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Cited by

Osychenko, H. and Khliupin, O. (2024) “Nativity of the Virgin Mary Kozelshchynskyi Monastery in the Poltava Region: an assessment of architectural heritage and contemporary challenges”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 23(3), pp. 005–025. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.6310.


Halyna Osychenko
Department of Architecture of Buildings and Constructions; Educational-Scientific Institute of Architecture, Design and Fine Arts; O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv; Ukraine


Oleksandr Anatoliyovych Khliupin 

Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning; Faculty of Ground Structures and Airfields; National Aviation University;1 Lyubomyra Gudara St., 03058 Kyiv Ukraine


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