Michał Styła

Information Technology Research & Development Center (CBRTI sp. z o.o.) (Poland)

Przemysław Adamkiewicz

1Information Technology Research & Development Center, 2University of Economics and Innovation, Faculty of Transport and Information Technology (Poland)


This article describes the design and implementation of a hybrid in-building navigation system. The word hybrid has a twofold meaning in this case. On the one hand, it refers to the use of two tracking methods: demanding (beacons) and not requiring an electronic device (radio tomography imaging). On the other hand, it specifies several commercial wireless communication protocols that make up the presented system. Ultimately, the network created in this way will be designed to provide the user with location and navigation services with increased accuracy and reliability. The text describes both the topology of created networks, methods of communication between devices and their hardware layer, as well as the effects of work resulting from the actual test object.


Bluetooth, Electromagnetic propagation, Indoor radio communication, Radiofrequency integrated circuits, Radio navigation, Tomography

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Cited by

Styła, M., & Adamkiewicz, P. (2022). HYBRID NAVIGATION SYSTEM FOR INDOOR USE. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 12(1), 10–14. https://doi.org/10.35784/iapgos.2892


Michał Styła 
Information Technology Research & Development Center (CBRTI sp. z o.o.) Poland


Przemysław Adamkiewicz 

1Information Technology Research & Development Center, 2University of Economics and Innovation, Faculty of Transport and Information Technology Poland


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