Sergii Pavlov
Vinnitsa National Technical University (Ukraine)

Yosyp Saldan

Vinnitsa Pirogov National Medical University (Ukraine)

Dina Vovkotrub-Lyahovska

Vinnitsa National Technical University (Ukraine)

Yuliia Saldan

Vinnitsa Pirogov National Medical University (Ukraine)

Valentina Vassilenko

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (Portugal)

Yuliia Yakusheva

Vinnitsa Pirogov National Medical University (Ukraine)


Process of eye tomogram obtaining by means of optical coherent tomography is studied.Stages of idiopathic macula holes formation in the process of eye grounds diagnostics are considered. Main stages of retina pathology progression are determined: Fuzzy logic units for obtaining reliable conclusions regarding the result of diagnosis are developed. By the results of theoretical and practical research  system and technique of retinal macular region of the eye state analysis.


tomogram, optical coherent tomography, macular area, fuzzy logic, membership function, idiopathic macular break

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Cited by

Pavlov, S., Saldan, Y., Vovkotrub-Lyahovska, D., Saldan, Y., Vassilenko, V., & Yakusheva, Y. (2019). INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE ANALYSIS OF THE STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN THE PROCESS OF IDIOPATHIC MACULAR RUPTURE DIAGNOSTICS. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 9(2), 54–59.


Sergii Pavlov
Vinnitsa National Technical University Ukraine


Yosyp Saldan 

Vinnitsa Pirogov National Medical University Ukraine


Dina Vovkotrub-Lyahovska 

Vinnitsa National Technical University Ukraine


Yuliia Saldan 

Vinnitsa Pirogov National Medical University Ukraine


Valentina Vassilenko 

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia Portugal


Yuliia Yakusheva 

Vinnitsa Pirogov National Medical University Ukraine


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