Vasyl Kukharchuk

Vinnytsia National Technical University (Ukraine)

Waldemar Wójcik

Lublin University of Technology (Poland)

Sergii Pavlov

Vinnytsia National Technical University (Ukraine)

Samoil Katsyv

Vinnytsia National Technical University (Ukraine)

Volodymyr Holodiuk

Vinnytsia National Technical University (Ukraine)

Oleksandr Reyda

Vinnytsia National Technical University (Ukraine)

Ainur Kozbakova

Almaty Technological University (Kazakhstan)

Gaukhar Borankulova

Taraz Regional University M. Kh. Dulaty (Kazakhstan)


Based on the most significant features of the angular velocity dynamic measurements selected by the authors, the main phases of measuring information transformation were established, which allowed to obtain new mathematical models in the form of transformation function, equations for estimating quantization errors, analytical dependences for measuring range that are initial for modeling physical processes occurring in such digital measuring channels with microprocessor control. The process of converting an analog quantity into a binary code is analytically described, an equation for estimating the absolute and relative quantization error is obtained and a measurement range is established, which provides a normalized value of relative quantization error for angular velocity measuring channels with encoder. For the first time, the equation of sampling error was obtained, and it was proved that the limiting factor of the angular velocity measurements upper limit is not only the normalized value of quantization error, as previously thought, but also the value of sampling frequency fD. Therefore, to expand the measurement range (by increasing the upper limit of measurement), it is proposed not only to increase the speed of analog-to-digital conversion hardware, but also to reduce the execution time of software drivers for transmitting measurement information to RAM of microprocessor system. For this purpose, the analytical dependences of estimating the upper limit of measurement based on the value of the sampling step for different modes of measurement information transmission are obtained. The practical implementation of the software mode measurement information transmission is characterized by a minimum of hardware costs and maximum execution time of the software driver, which explains its low speed, and therefore provides a minimum value of the upper limit measurement. In the interrupt mode, the upper limit value of the angular velocity measurement is higher than in the program mode due to the reduction of the software driver’s execution time (tFl = 0). The maximum value of the angular velocity measurements upper limit can be achieved using the measurement information transmission in the mode of direct access to memory (DMA) by providing maximum speed in this mode (tFl = 0, tDR = 0). In addition, the application of the results obtained in the work allows at the design stage (during physical and mathematical modeling) to assess the basic metrological characteristics of the measuring channel, aimed at reducing the development time and debugging of hardware, software, and standardization of their metrological characteristics.


angular velocity, encoder, quantization, sampling, angular velocity measuring system, transformation function

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Cited by

Kukharchuk, V., Wójcik, W., Pavlov, S., Katsyv, S., Holodiuk, V., Reyda, O., … Borankulova , G. (2022). FEATURES OF THE ANGULAR SPEED DYNAMIC MEASUREMENTS WITH THE USE OF AN ENCODER. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 12(3), 20–26. https://doi.org/10.35784/iapgos.3035


Vasyl Kukharchuk 

Vinnytsia National Technical University Ukraine


Waldemar Wójcik 

Lublin University of Technology Poland


Sergii Pavlov 
Vinnytsia National Technical University Ukraine


Samoil Katsyv 

Vinnytsia National Technical University Ukraine


Volodymyr Holodiuk 

Vinnytsia National Technical University Ukraine


Oleksandr Reyda 

Vinnytsia National Technical University Ukraine


Ainur Kozbakova 

Almaty Technological University Kazakhstan


Gaukhar Borankulova  

Taraz Regional University M. Kh. Dulaty Kazakhstan


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