Oksana Boyko
Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Department of Medical Informatics, Lviv, Ukraine (Ukraine)
Nataliya Dorosh
Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Department of Medical Informatics, Lviv, Ukraine (Ukraine)
Irena Yermakova
International Scientific – Training Centre for Information Technologies and Systems under NAS and MES of Ukraine, Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine (Ukraine)
Oleh Dorosh
International Scientific – Training Centre for Information Technologies and Systems under NAS and MES of Ukraine, Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine (Ukraine)
Żaklin Grądz
z.gradz@pollub.plLublin Univeristy of Technology, Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (Poland)
An innovative concept and the structural organization of a modular system for long-term monitoring, analysis and correction of integrated health indicators of different groups of the population taking into account the impact of environmental factors and extreme conditions is described. The main elements of the system are a module for measuring physiological indicators that characterize the state of human health, a sensor module for selection and registration of environmental indicators, a data transmission module, a database, a module for comprehensive analysis of indicators, a forecasting module, a set of mathematical models, a module for results displaying. Methods of mathematical modelling and statistics were used to predict health state. The mobile application that allows to assign and take into account changes in environmental performance during physical activity, e.g. training weather conditions, such as temperature, relative humidity and wind speed, as well as the distance and duration of running, is developed. The results can be obtained numerically and graphically on the smartphone screen. The proposed system allows to predict the functional state of person in different environmental conditions. It will allow the user to make the right decision about the duration and intensity of physical activity in certain environmental conditions and choose the appropriate level of physical activity.
information system, medical gadgets, mobile applications, human health state, forecastingReferences
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Oksana BoykoDanylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Department of Medical Informatics, Lviv, Ukraine Ukraine
Nataliya DoroshDanylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Department of Medical Informatics, Lviv, Ukraine Ukraine
Irena YermakovaInternational Scientific – Training Centre for Information Technologies and Systems under NAS and MES of Ukraine, Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine Ukraine
Oleh DoroshInternational Scientific – Training Centre for Information Technologies and Systems under NAS and MES of Ukraine, Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine Ukraine
Żaklin Grą
Lublin Univeristy of Technology, Institute of Electronics and Computer Science Poland
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