Decade of Education for Sustainable Development – Vision, Aim and Strategy

Joanna Kostecka

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy, Zakład Biologicznych Podstaw Rolnictwa i Edukacji Środowiskowej, ul. Ćwiklińskiej 2, 35-601 Rzeszów, Poland (Poland)


Sustainable development was defined as an answer to natural environment degradation. It should be considered in three equally important domains – sustainability of environmental development (e.g. decreasing of environment pollution), sustainability of economical development (e.g. changing irresponsible habits of consumers) and sustainability of development of societies (fighting poverty and hunger). To spread the concept UNESCO announced the document: “Decade of Education for SD” (2005-2014). The aim of this article is to popularize the vision, aim, and strategy of the Decade and to present the author’s own research about the familiarity with the term ‘sustainable development’ in various groups of society.


sustainable development, education, assessment of the terms

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Cited by

Kostecka, J. (2009). Decade of Education for Sustainable Development – Vision, Aim and Strategy. Problemy Ekorozwoju, 4(2), 101–106. Retrieved from


Joanna Kostecka 

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy, Zakład Biologicznych Podstaw Rolnictwa i Edukacji Środowiskowej, ul. Ćwiklińskiej 2, 35-601 Rzeszów, Poland Poland


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